龍/竜 ryuu

/  ryuu
Why a Dragon?

If you have an inquiring mind, you are probably wondering why we would choose a dragon to paint on the side of Journey. 
 In nearly every nation, and every culture, dragons have been part of the history. If you look at Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South and North America, you will find dragons in history, lore, art, and
religion.   From Beowulf to Avalon, writings and cultures have embraced the dragon. Buddhism, Catholicism, and many other theologies over the ages have dragons in their roots. 
The dragon holds a very large place woven through all of our pasts, even if you haven’t considered it before.
All of this indicates that a dragon makes a good ambassador.
People everywhere can identify with dragons.  It is a commonality between cultures and can bridge differences and language barriers.
There are many types of dragons, most prominently divided by country and regions.  Each has its own story, many have varying powers and attributes. There are good dragons, and if you look around, there are some that will flat take your head off. You’d want to watch out around those. Some fly, some breathe fire, some hoard treasure.

Our dragon is a Japanese dragon. It is a water dweller, King of the ocean. It is responsible for large storms that seem to come out of nowhere.
But mostly, it is a benevolent creature, which is known for granting wishes.
You can distinguish our dragon from other oriental dragons by its three claws.
Our dragon unifies the 4 elements: it is born in the water,
breathes fire, inhabits the air, and guards the earth's treasures.
Journey stays in the water, her engine “breathes” fire, her sails use
the air to move us along, and she is our treasure.
 It’s a perfect match!